Connections – Thursday, March 23, 2017

Check out what’s going on this week at
the United Methodist Church of Red Bank!


Weekly E-blast for the UMC of Red Bank
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Special Offering for UMCOR this Sunday
A special offering will be taken this Sunday to support the ministry and mission
of UMCOR, a mission and relief committee of the global UMC. Contributions
toward this collection support the structure of the organization, so when a crisis
happens, 100% of donations go directly to that need. Please use the envelope in
Sunday’s bulletin to give with generously.
Seminar on Mission Work in Ghana – TODAY!
At 12:00 PM today, Michele Naples will share a presentation on her recent trip to
Ghana. Many people, seeing the needs of this impoverished country, have started
non-profit organizations to try to help. Come learn firsthand about this country
and the wonderful work being done there. We hope you can join us.
Holy Week Worship Schedule
Join us for worship any or all of the following services as we remember and jouney
along with Christ through the last week of his life.
* Palm Sunday – April 9th
* Worship at 8:30 in Chapel and 10:30 AM in Sanctuary
* Maundy Thursday – April 13th
* Potluck Seder at 6:30 PM at Embury UMC
* Good Friday – April 14th
* Worship at 7:00 PM in Sanctuary
* Easter – April 16th
* Sonrise Worship at 6:00 AM on Seabright Beach
* Egghunt at 9:00 AM sharp on Front Lawn
* Combined Worship at 9:30 AM in Sanctuary
Support Camden Neighborhood Center – Leaf of Hope
During the month of March, you’re invited to purchase a Leaf of Hope to help support
the Camden Neighborhood Center. Stop by the UMW table in the Fellowship Hall on
Sunday to support their programs and outreach in the city of Camden.
Sunday Worship Schedule
8:30 am – Worship with Communion
10:30 am – Traditional Worship Service
and Sunday School (child care provided)
Adult Education Opportunities
Sunday at 9:30 am – Sunday Study
Wednesday at 7:00 pm – Evening Group
Thursday at 11:00 am – Bible Study
Check out past sermons here!
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of a pastoral visit
please contact the church office at
732-747-0446 or email []
If you have a pastoral emergency please contact Rev. Jessica Naulty at
908-400-2343 or []
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