Connections – Friday, January 19, 2018

Connections – Friday, January 21, 2018

Check out what’s going on this week at the United Methodist Church of Red Bank!
E-blast for the UMC of Red Bank
Friday, January 19, 2018
God Squad Pancake Breakfast
Jan 20th from 8-10 AM
Join us on Saturday, Jan 20th for breakfast at Applebee’s in Middletown! Tickets
are $13 for a plate of eggs, pancakes, bacon and beverage. Come and be served by
your favorite church teenagers! Proceeds go towards our future mission trip.
Take home a chili bowl on Superbowl Sunday
Your HUBOB Team is standing by to field your order for the best chili in Monmouth
County!! Pre-order your chili in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, January 28th to or simply
order when you pick it up on THE BIG DAY, Sunday, February 4th. Choose between meat
and vegetarian chili, packaged in microwaveable, freezer-safe, reusable containers,
served alongside our delicious homemade cornbread!!
One 16 oz. container with cornbread for $8.00 OR two for $15.00
Supporting the church through our commitments
Last week in worship, we presented our commitments for how we will support God’s
work through our church in 2018. If you have not turned in your commitment card,
it’s not too late. please mail your commitment card to the attention of Sheila Leavitt
in the main office, or email it directly to her at 
If you need one, you can pick one up in the main office, or you can download and print one here.
Worship Sneak Peek
Join us this Sunday (1/21) in worship as we continue our exploration of who Jesus
was and still is for us today. In our scripture this week, we hear Jesus call some
of his early disciples to “follow” him, so we’ll talk about what it means for us
to follow Jesus in our contemporary lives. Join us on this journey as we explore
Jesus’ call in our lives.
Click here for a preview of Sunday’s bulletin and announcements. 
Upcoming Sundays:
1/21 – Called to Follow
1/28 – Exorcising Deamons
2/4 – Ministry of Healing and Teaching
2/11 – Transfigured on the Mountaintop
The Sunday worship schedule is as follows:
  • 8:15 AM Traditional Worship in Chapel
    • Communion served weekly
  • 9:30 AM Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
    • Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month
  • 11:00 AM The Village Worship in Fellowship Hall
    • Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of a pastoral visit
please contact the church office at
732-747-0446 or email
If you have a pastoral emergency please contact Rev. Jessica Naulty at
908-400-2343 or 
 United Methodist Church of Red Bank | 247 Broad Street | Red Bank | NJ | 07701
