

For Baptisms in the United Methodist Church of Red Bank the majority of those baptized are little children, brought by their parents who want them to grow up in the Christian faith.
However, baptism can happen at any age. Teenagers and adults are baptized after a period of teaching, formation and reflection about the Christian faith and what joining the Church involves.
If you are an adult and want to know more about the Christian faith or want to explore the possibility of baptism or Confirmation, please contact the pastor.

Infant Baptisms

The baptism of infants and children at The United Methodist Church of Red Bank takes place during the Sunday worship service. In baptism, children are welcomed as members of the Church – i.e. the local and worldwide Christian family. Therefore, it is important that other members of the Church are present. For your child, baptism marks the start of a journey of faith.

During a pre-baptism meeting with the child’s parent’s, we’ll delve into the deeper meaning of baptism, and what it means for you or your child. Topics covered include:
  • Why baptism?
  • Before the baptism
  • Questions people ask
  • The signs and symbols of baptism
  • The baptism service
  • You and God
  • Helping your child to grow in Christian life
  • Looking forward to Confirmation
I’m not a regular churchgoer. Can I still have my child baptized?
Yes. The Church believes that God’s love is available to all, regardless of their background. Our pastor would be happy to talk with you about the baptism of your child.

We hope your baby’s baptism will be a wonderful and memorable occasion and that it will mark the beginning of a long and happy association at The United Methodist Church of Red Bank.

Please note: we do not schedule baptisms on the 1st Sunday of the month because these are communion Sundays and already very full worship services.

Please use this form to contact the Church Office or the pastor who will be delighted to talk with you.

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