Capital Campaign 2023 – Window Enhancements

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Window Enhancements
  • Improve our environmental stewardship by replacing sixty-year-old, original windows in the church education wing including windows in spaces used by Learning Tree Pre-K and
    Red Bank Pre-K
  • Improved energy efficiency supporting our Green Faith environmental stewardship commitment and reduced energy costs by reducing UV penetration, drafts, and air leaks
  • Eliminate water intrusion through cracked windows and rotted window frames
  • Improved usability by replacing windows that currently do not open
  • Improved safety by replacing heavy windows that do not remain open without additional supports
  • Replace ~64 windows in the education wing on the 1st and 2nd floors and in the basement
  • Windows will be vinyl core, double pane, double hung, low-e, argon gas filled
  • Exterior wood casing & sills to be wrapped with white vinyl coated aluminum, caulked, & sealed
  • Where aesthetically significant window pane grids will be included

Capital Campaign 2023 Windows project at a glance

