Connections – Friday, February 3, 2017


Check out what’s going on this week

at the United Methodist Church of Red Bank!


Weekly E-blast for the UMC of Red Bank
Friday, February 3, 2017
It’s Spaghetti Dinner time!
Benvenuto! Vieni e mangia! TOMORROW NIGHT, February 4th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. bring
your family and friends for an all you can eat Spaghetti Dinner. Like last year,
we will be serving ravioli along with spaghetti; with both meatless and meat sauce.
And of course, God Squad will feature our renown bake sale table. Tickets can
be purchased at the door – $5 for children, and $12 for adults.
Tomorrow at noon is your LAST CHANCE to bring in donations towards the God Squad
clothing drive.
Bring in any clothes/linens/shoes in a kitchen-sized garbage bag and leave on the
front of the stage. ALL proceeds go directly to the youth Summer Appalachia Service
project mission trip.
Join us to watch “13th,” a documentary on the 13th Amendment and stay for a discussion
to follow
On Sunday, February 12th at 5:00 PM (room 114), we will be showing the documentary
film “13th,” whose title is drawn from the 13th Amendment. The film is an in-depth
look at the nation’s history of racial inequality, and it reveals how, within the
US, the prison system has effectively replaced slavery. As we celebrate Black History
month, we hope this movie and discussion help you get a deeper understanding of
what it means to be black in America… It may shock you! There will be drinks,
so bring a snack and join us. Questions? Call Jim Mellon 732-647-5744 or e-mail: []
The Second Annual Backpack Crew Gala
You’re invited to support the Backpack Crew on this celebratory evening of dinner,
dancing, and a silent auction, raising funds for our local children! This event
sold out last year, so tickets will not be available at the door. For ticket information
or to find out how to support the Backpack Crew, click here to go to their website
Sunday Worship Schedule
8:30 am – Worship with Communion
10:30 am – Traditional Worship Service
and Sunday School (child care provided)
Adult Education Opportunities
Sunday at 9:30 am – Sunday Study
Wednesday at 7:00 pm – Evening Group
Thursday at 11:00 am – Bible Study
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of a pastoral visit
please contact the church office at
732-747-0446 or email []
If you have a pastoral emergency please contact Rev. Jessica Naulty at
908-400-2343 or []
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United Methodist Church of Red Bank | 247 Broad Street | Red Bank | NJ | 07701

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