Connections – Thursday, August 24, 2017

Check out what’s going on this week at the United Methodist Church of Red Bank!
E-blast for the UMC of Red Bank
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Back to School Collection – August 27th is final donation date
Outreach Committee is collecting school supplies to be donated to 180 Turning Lives Around. All school supplies are acceptable. Please place donation in the box by the back door on or before August 27.
Come Connect to The Village
This Sunday, August 20th, is the second day of our “soft” launch for our new worship service, The Village! We’d love for you to invite a friend, so come check it out for yourself so you know what you’re inviting people to.
Homecoming Picnic – September 10th after 9:30 am worship

Join in the fun, food, and fellowship of our Homecoming Picnic on the front lawn following a single 9:30 am worship service on September 10th. Hot dogs, hamburgers, and ribs will be provided by our Men’s Fellowship Grill Masters, but please bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share. Sign up to bring your favorite dish in the Fellowship Hall this week. Hope to see you there!
Worship Sneak Peek 

Join us this Sunday (8/27) in worship for the third week of our sermon series, “Life Lessons from Mission” for our theme, “Measure Twice, Cut Once.” The rule for any carpenter or woodworker is to measure twice and cut once, taking care not to waste time and materials by cutting something short. This is a great lesson to apply to a variety of areas of life – including thinking twice before you speak and planning well before taking action. Click here for a preview of Sunday’s bulletin and announcements.

Upcoming Sundays:

8/27 – “Measure Twice Cut Once”

– 9:30 AM Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
– 11:00 AM The Village Worship in Fellowship Hall
9/3 – “Mistakes Happen Grace Abounds
– 9:30 AM Traditional Worship in Sanctuary (Communion)
– 11:00 AM The Village Worship in Fellowship Hall (Communion)

9/10 – Homecoming Sunday
– 9:30 AM Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
– All-church picnic following worship

From 9/17 and beyond, the worship schedule will be as follows:

– 8:15 AM Traditional Worship in Chapel – weekly communion
– 9:30 AM Traditional Worship in Sanctuary – communion on the 1st Sunday
– 11:00 AM The Village Worship in Fellowship Hall – communion 1st Sunday

Pastoral Care

If someone is hospitalized or in need of a pastoral visit
please contact the church office at
If you have a pastoral emergency please contact Rev. Jessica Naulty at 

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