Connections – Thursday, January 26, 2017


Check out our Blog to find out what’s going on this week

at the United Methodist Church of Red Bank!


Weekly Blog for the UMC of Red Bank
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Serve breakfast at Lunch Break
Saturday, February 4th
We need some help on February 4th to serve breakfast for Lunch Break clients. Please
contact Barbara Valenti or Cyndi Skove or the church. We have 2 shifts – one between
8:30 and 10:30 am and the other between 10 am and 12 noon. If you like to prep
and cook, the first one is for you and if you like to serve and clean up, the second
one is for you. We need help in both, so please volunteer.!
The latest HUBOB gift card order will be available for pickup on Sunday.
The schedule for future orders: Final day for orders Sunday, Feb. 12 pickup Sunday,
Feb. 26; final day for orders Sunday, March 12 pickup Sunday, March 26. Remember:
Easter Sunday is April 16. You can do your weekly shopping at your favorite stores
or online. It’s always time to HUBOB!
It’s Spaghetti Dinner time!
Benvenuto! Vieni e mangia! This year’s spaghetti dinner will be hosted on February
4, 2017 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Like last year, we will be serving ravioli along with
spaghetti; with both meatless and meat sauce. And of course, God Squad will feature
our renown bake sale table. This all-you-can-eat dinner will be available at last
year’s pricing, $5 for children, and $12 for adults. Please see a member of God
Squad at the Ticket Sale table in Fellowship Hall after service on Sunday.
God Squad Clothing Drive is now in full swing!

Bring in any clothes/linens/shoes in a kitchen-sized garbage bag and leave on the
front of the stage. God Squad will take care of moving the bags. Articles can be
brought in until noon on February 4th. Any questions on what to bring in? God
Squad can help you out.
ALL proceeds go directly to the youth Summer Appalachia Service project mission
Sunday Worship Schedule
8:30 am – Worship with Communion
10:30 am – Traditional Worship Service
and Sunday School (child care provided)

Adult Education Opportunities
Sunday at 9:30 am – Sunday Study
Wednesday at 7:00 pm – Evening Group
Thursday at 11:00 am – Bible Study
Check out past sermons here!
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of a pastoral visit
please contact the church office at
732-747-0446 or email
If you have a pastoral emergency please contact Rev. Jessica Naulty at
908-400-2343 or


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United Methodist Church of Red Bank | 247 Broad Street | Red Bank | NJ | 07701
