Mustard Seeds Youth Group – Third Grade through Fifth Grade

Mustard Seeds Youth Group

Mustard Seed Youth Group – Our third grade through fifth grade youth group meets from September to June. As a group we explore doing kindness, taking care of the earth, helping the hungry, building a welcoming community and learning about God . We’ll have some field trips throughout the year and do all the youth group things! We love new faces and encourage members to Bring a Real Friend (B.A.R.F) to Mustard Seeds.
If you have older kids, be sure to check out our Club 77 and God Squad youth pages!
If you have any questions about Mustard Seeds or any of our youth programs, please contact our Director of Children & Youth Ministries, Bonnie Deroski at

Some of Our Events Include:

  • Thanksgiving Shopping
  • Escape Room Nights
  • Youth Sunday
  • Moving Up Night


Mustard Seeds leaders: Bonnie Deroski, Amanda Vargas & Diane Knox


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