
On November 18, 2012, UMC Red Bank received its certification as a Greenfaith congregation. The church is the first United Methodist Church to receive certification.

Greenfaith is New Jersey’s interfaith coalition for the environment, founded in 1992. The goal being to inspire, educate, and mobilize people of diverse spiritual backgrounds to rediscover their relationship with the sacred in nature and to restore the earth for future generations through shared beliefs of the world’s great religions:

  • Caring for the earth is a religious value; environmental stewardship is a moral responsibility
  • We grow spiritually through our relationship with the earth
  • Everyone has the right to live in a clean, safe environment
  • People of faith have a vital role to play in restoring healthy ecosystems around the world.
Green Faith certification is designed to help houses of worship from diverse traditions become religious-environmental leaders. Therefore, the Green Faith certification is the world’s first comprehensive interfaith, environmental certification program.
Over two years, participating institutions carry out a range of initiatives to integrate environmental themes into worship, religious education, facility maintenance, and social outreach with the goal of becoming a Green Faith sanctuary.
Red Bank UMC Operates on Green Faith: New roof, additional insulation and 205 solar panels power church
By Kristen Dalton
The Hub
March 15, 2012
The United Methodist Church of Red Bank installed 205 solar panels as part of its Green Faith initiative and officially began operating on green energy on Nov. 30, 2010. They’re calling it green faith. As a result, after more than one year of operating on 205 panels of solar power, the United Methodist Church of Red Bank produced a self-sustaining 57,000 kilowatt hours of energy. (read entire article here)