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UMC of Red Bank, Sermon: March 9th, 10am - "The Means of Grace"
Means of Grace: What are Means of Grace?
John Wesley taught that God's ...

UMC of Red Bank, Sermon: March 2nd, 10am - "Ecclesial Curiosities: The Hradetzky Organ"
Ecclesial Curiosities: The Hradetzky Organ
Why is pipe organ music so a...

UMC of Red Bank, Sermon: February 23rd, 10am - "Catch Your Breath: In times of Exhaustion"
Catch Your Breath: In times of Exhaustion
Are you overwhelmed by all th...

UMC of Red Bank, Sermon: February 16th, 10am - "Catch Your Breath: In times of Division"
Catch Your Breath: In times of Division
We live in a divided time...alt...

UMC of Red Bank, Sermon: February 8th, 10am - "Catch Your Breath: In times of Doubt"
Catch Your Breath: In Times of Doubt
Life after death? Miracles and sig...

UMC of Red Bank, Sermon: February 2nd, 10am - "Catch Your Breath: In times of Fear"
Catch Your Breath: In times of Fear
There are many things that keep us ...

UMC of Red Bank, Sermon: January 26th, 10am - "Catch Your Breath: In times of Grief"
Catch Your Breath: In times of Grief
Have moments of shock, grief or un...

UMC of Red Bank, Sermon: January 19th, 10am - "MLK's Sermon PT.2"
Part 2 of MLK's Sermon, "But if not..." about the faith of Shadrach, Mes...

UMC of Red Bank, Sermon: January 12th, 10am - "MLK's Sermon"
Part 1 of MLK's Sermon, "But if not..." about the faith of Shadrach, Mes...

UMC of Red Bank, Sermon: January 5th, 10am - "Epiphany Sunday"
Epiphany Sunday:
The coming of the Magi ("If you knew how the journey wo...