Thanks be to God

Gratitude is an attitude that can reclaim our spirits in times of disappointment or distress. However bleak our circumstances, we can always find reasons to say: “Thanks be to God.” That little phrase can bear us through difficulty and remind us that no matter how hard things get, there will always be something that we can look to and be thankful for. This November in worship, we will focus on the attitude of gratitude, saying over and over again, “Thanks be to God.”
11/3 – Thankful for our Siblings in Christ – All Saints Day
On this day, we read the roll of the saints, ringing a bell as we read the name of all who’ve passed on and those who’ve been baptized this year.
11/10 – Thankful for Creation – We turn our gratitude this day to God’s creation, giving thanks for the changing season and the gifts it brings, while remembering our call to protect the earth.
11/17 – Thankful for the Scriptures – As we gift our 3 rd and 4 th graders with their Bibles, we’ll give thanks to God for the gift of the inspired Word in scripture, and reflect on the role of interpretation as we read the texts.
11/24 – Thankful for the Ability to Give Back – On Thanksgiving weekend, we’ll be talking digging into what “Giving Thanks” really means and looks like – not simply in spirit and attitude, but in action too.