The Promise of Christmas

The Promise of Christmas: The Christmas season is a time filled with promise. But what is the promise of Christmas? If we’re not clear about what Christmas really promises, we might just miss out on what makes it the most wonderful time of the year. Join us as we take a five-week journey this Advent back to Bethlehem and recall the promises that were made by the prophets, the angels, the wise men and shepherds, and how their fulfillment is still what makes this “the most wonderful time of the year.”
Week #1:
HOPE: Light in the Darkness – The battle of the light and the dark, in our world, but also in our hearts and lives. The hope in this Christmas story is that no matter how dark it gets, light will always break in, hope will always rise.
Week #2
LOVE: God so loved the world – The heart of the gospel and the promise of Christmas is LOVE, the love that God has for us all, and the love that we are called to live out in our lives.
Week #3:
Liberation: God Lifts up the lowly – The beloved Christmas movies even capture the heart of this message – Charlie Brown’s Christmas, Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer… the lifting up the lowly, the humiliated, the most humble of society… We hear Mary share this message in the Magnificat.
Week #4:
PEACE: Ushering in Peace – In our contemporary times, which are full of discord and conflict, picking and choosing sides, we slow down to remember the Prince of Peace who comes to us this Christmas.