United Women in Faith
UNITED METHODIST WOMEN is now UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH, and shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
Membership in Red Bank UWF is open to all women of the congregation.
Check the church calendar for meeting dates and times or talk to any UWF member.

Fellowship Circles
Fellowship Circles are small groups of members which often meet monthly Each group plans its own programs which may include the use of UMW study books. There are currently two Fellowship Circles:
Mildred-Ruth Circle: Meets most second Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. at the Red Bank UMC.
- Susanna Circle: Meets periodically through the year with no set schedule.

Interest groups: (Men are welcome too!)
- Book Club meets the fourth Thursday each month in the Church Library.
- Craft Group meets the second & fourth Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Library Lounge area.
- Created with a Prayer Group meets with the Craft Group in the Church Lounge.
- Garden Helpers work in the Fair Haven Community Garden Saturday mornings (May – September).
- Contact Gerri Poranski at (908) 247-1259

Local Missions:
- 180 Degrees/Turning Lives Around
- Backpack Crew and CROP Walk
- Camden Neighborhood Center
- Lunch Break and Community Garden
- Youth Group Projects and Scholastic Assistance Program
- VBS Scholarships
- Cooking for the Center in Asbury Park
- Methodist Communities

- Soup Sales
- Camden Neighborhood Center
- Silent Auction

Women of the Year
Women of the Year honors a member who has made significant contributions to our local UWF unit. For more information, please contact Gerri Poranski at (908) 247-1259

Every Methodist Church can have a UWF ministry. These are all part of the UMC’s UWF organization. To learn more about the National United Women in Faith organization, visit their website by Clicking Here or clicking the logo on the left.